Freelance Horn Player and Manhattan School of Music Graduate

[Career Planning for Music Entrepreneurs] was a fantastic workshop.  In many ways, I wish that the topics covered in your seminar were part of the core curriculum for conservatory training. For musicians, self-esteem is closely related to artistic success which is in turn deeply intertwined with successful artistic endeavors.  Goal-setting strategies, project planning, asking the key questions which help to unlock hidden information— these are the skills necessary for building a platform of success. 

I thought your seminar was a fresh look at how artists, and specifically musicians can do this. I was particularly interested how you were able to blend aspects of the disciplined-black-and-white corporate world with the artistic needs of musicians. Your advice was direct and pertinent, without being harsh and cold. It created a sense of possibility and enablement, which surprisingly started an ebb and flow of ideas in my mind, even while you were speaking. I was compelled to start jotting down ideas as the seminar was going on.

I look forward to working with you in the future, this is exactly the kind of  devil\’s advocate, brain-picking, and support I need to see my upcoming projects into reality.

— John-Morgan B, New York, NY