Get rid of your Crazymakers!

One of the biggest obstacles to success is having your life cluttered up with crazymakers-the people who sap your energy by asking for favors and never reciprocating, making and cancelling dates, making everything about them and not giving you what you need.  Read about how I got rid of my crazymaker!

Have a Dream…or Have Faith in Yourself Part I

A powerful way to create your authentic success is to have a dream and translate that dream into concrete goals.  Read the experience of several people as they figure out their dreams and make them happen.

Just Say No: Setting Boundaries so that You Can Say YES to Yourself

One of the biggest reasons that we do not have time for ourselves is that we say yes to other people and take on commitments that we really do not enjoy.  Often, it stems from a place of not wanting to disappoint these other people. Learn how to set healthy boundaries and say no to others so that you are saying YES to yourself.

Shaking up the world of classical music: a call to all music entrepreneurs

Young musicians today are eager to shake up the world of classical music.  Not only do they see the traditional outlets of classical music drying up but many of them also feel a sense of mission around creating new possibilities for the music world.  It is exciting to see what today’s music entrepreneurs are up to.  Read on to see what is on their minds!