Discover Your Life Purpose in 4 Steps and Supercharge Your Search For Fulfillment

Do you feel stuck in your life right now? 

Do you have that unsettling feeling that you know that you can do more with yourself but you are not sure where to turn?

Do you long to be successful (however you define that success) but you do not know where to begin?

If you are someone who seeks deep fulfillment in life and longs for true success, you may need a Life Purpose Statement. This is one of the keys to success in life since discovering your purpose will give you a sense of clarity around what you want to achieve, a sense of direction in where to start and the motivation to make it happen. Learn the four-step process that will lead you to discover your life purpose and supercharge your search for fulfillment.


A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part I

Lately, I have been hearing from a lot of people at how frustrated they are because they do not know what they are doing with their lives.  “How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?” they ask me. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise with their lack of fulfillment.

I have a short answer:  have a dream…or have faith that you will find your dream.

What do I mean?

A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part II

What if you do not have a dream?  

It is frustrating not to be able to figure out what to do with your life. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise and a lack of fulfillment.

Happily, there is an answer.

The Principles of Effective and Effortless Networking

Networking is one of the best ways to advance your career.  In my experience, it can make the difference between “good” and “great”.  Yet, for many people, networking is a terrifying experience.  Common objections include:

  • I do not like to make “small talk.”
  • I can’t possibly introduce myself to strangers.
  • Why would some famous person want to talk to me?
  • I hate selling.

Your Elevator Speech: The Key to Connecting Effectively and Effortlessly

Networking is one of the key tools that can make the difference between a good career and a great career.  Many people shy away from networking or fumble around when meeting new people because they do not know what to say about themselves.   They are missing an opportunity to connect with the very people whom need them! The secret is in crafting a short and powerful “elevator speech”.


Personal Branding for Musicians and Artists – Using Your Unique Gifts to Connect With Your Audience

One of the most important tools for advancing a career in the creative world is the use of a personal brand. Once the domain strictly of commercial enterprises, the principles of branding are now used successfully by individuals who want to clearly communicate why they are the best person to provide a service to the audiences they want to reach. The same principles that have made Steinway “the finest pianos in the world” and Nike products for athletes who “just do it” can be applied to musicians and artists who want to distinguish themselves from their peers.


Creative Personal Branding – Find Your Brand in 4 Easy Steps

One of the most important tools for advancing your career is defining and using your personal brand.  A brand is your vision of who you are and what you do for your audiences.  It is a message that distinguishes you from your competition by expressing what makes you unique and memorable, so that your target audience connects with you emotionally and wants to work with you.
Defining your personal brand is simple using this four-step process:

How to Overcome Procrastination: Why Do I Procrastinate?

What do you think about when you hear the word “procrastination?” Do you feel embarrassed, guilty or ashamed that you are putting off tasks that you know you have to do? Rather than dump on yourself for procrastinating, why not ask yourself why you are procrastinating. The answers will give you some valuable clues as to how you are living your life. So think of procrastination as your friend as you begin to dissect the reasons you are procrastinating and use the following tips to start doing all those things that you may have been putting off!