TAG: have a dream

A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part II

What if you do not have a dream?  

It is frustrating not to be able to figure out what to do with your life. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise and a lack of fulfillment.

Happily, there is an answer.

A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part I

Lately, I have been hearing from a lot of people at how frustrated they are because they do not know what they are doing with their lives.  “How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?” they ask me. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise with their lack of fulfillment.

I have a short answer:  have a dream…or have faith that you will find your dream.

What do I mean?

Have a Dream…or Have Faith in Yourself Part I

A powerful way to create your authentic success is to have a dream and translate that dream into concrete goals.  Read the experience of several people as they figure out their dreams and make them happen.