TAG: set an intention

Top 10 Tips for Music Entrepreneurs: How to Create Sustainable Career Success

With the year coming to a close, it is time for top 10 lists.  My contribution to the field is a top 10 list for Music Entrepreneurs on how to create career success.  This list reflects my belief that successful music entrepreneurs align who they are with what they do  .

The short answer is be authentic, be unique, and master the skills that will enable you to create big dreams and make them happen. Not surprisingly, this list reflects the topics that I will be covering in my class next semester at YSM on Creating Sustainable Careers in the Arts.

Here are my top 10 tips for musicians who are committed to creating and sustaining authentic success:

A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part I

Lately, I have been hearing from a lot of people at how frustrated they are because they do not know what they are doing with their lives.  “How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?” they ask me. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise with their lack of fulfillment.

I have a short answer:  have a dream…or have faith that you will find your dream.

What do I mean?

Have a Dream…or Have Faith in Yourself Part I

A powerful way to create your authentic success is to have a dream and translate that dream into concrete goals.  Read the experience of several people as they figure out their dreams and make them happen.

Set Your Intention: The First Step to Making Your Dreams Happen

Experience the power of setting an intention for yourself in order to make your dream a reality! In my last post on Career Paths, I encouraged you to experiment with your possible selves and explore the different career possibilities that might exist for you.  There will come a time when one of these options feels right.  That’s the moment to …