Public Speaking for Musicians: 3 Steps for Audience Engagement

This spring, I had the honor of appearing on the Chamber Music America First Tuesdays Series to speak about one of my favorite subjects: public speaking for musicians.

Public speaking is a vital tool in making music relevant to today’s audiences since it is a way for musicians to share their passion and draw audiences into the wonders of classical music.

To quote one of my students at Yale,

“The energy changes when you speak about a piece and then perform it. The audience is more interested and you are personally more involved.”


In today’s Internet world where people can access music anytime and anywhere, it takes something special to get people to leave the comfort of their homes or unplug their earbuds and venture into a performance space in order to experience live music.

Musicians who speak to audiences about their music can draw audiences into the transformative power of music by giving them an insight from the perspective of a professional musician or composer on how to embrace this great art form and experience the change that only art can bring.

How can you harness the power of public speaking?

Learn the best practices in 3 key areas:

1. How to write a personal and compelling speech that is appropriate to your audiences.

2. How to practice your speech and get over stage fright.

3. How to deliver a great speech that will hook your audiences into the wonders of classical music.

I invite you to watch the video of my webinar so that you can become an ambassador to help change the relationship between today’s audiences and your music!


Public Speaking for Musicians from CMA Online on Vimeo.