Time Management for Music Entrepreneurs: Conquer Your “Overwhelm”

To be a successful musician—or indeed successful in any enterprise—time management and prioritization are essential skills.  Musicians are busy people! It is essential for them to manage their time AND their energy.  And often, things crop up that interfere with smooth time management and create obstacles to career success.  Read what time management challenges the students at the Yale School of Music are facing and how we went about solving them.

Discover Your Life Purpose in 4 Steps and Supercharge Your Search For Fulfillment

Do you feel stuck in your life right now? 

Do you have that unsettling feeling that you know that you can do more with yourself but you are not sure where to turn?

Do you long to be successful (however you define that success) but you do not know where to begin?

If you are someone who seeks deep fulfillment in life and longs for true success, you may need a Life Purpose Statement. This is one of the keys to success in life since discovering your purpose will give you a sense of clarity around what you want to achieve, a sense of direction in where to start and the motivation to make it happen. Learn the four-step process that will lead you to discover your life purpose and supercharge your search for fulfillment.


A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part II

What if you do not have a dream?  

It is frustrating not to be able to figure out what to do with your life. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise and a lack of fulfillment.

Happily, there is an answer.

A Life of Fulfillment: Have a Dream…or have faith Part I

Lately, I have been hearing from a lot of people at how frustrated they are because they do not know what they are doing with their lives.  “How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?” they ask me. Understandably, many people flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard and people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise with their lack of fulfillment.

I have a short answer:  have a dream…or have faith that you will find your dream.

What do I mean?

Get rid of your Crazymakers!

One of the biggest obstacles to success is having your life cluttered up with crazymakers-the people who sap your energy by asking for favors and never reciprocating, making and cancelling dates, making everything about them and not giving you what you need.  Read about how I got rid of my crazymaker!